Season : Challenge Data 2016-2017

From 21/10/2016 to 01/01/2018

Challenge : Age prediction from EEG signals
By Rythm


Age prediction from EEG signals

The goal of this challenge is to predict the age of subject from his brain activity during deep sleep and the sequence of his sleep stages over a night.




Rythm is a neurotechnology company that uses neuroscience fundamentals to enhance human performance by researching, monitoring, and understanding the brain. We are starting with sleep, and we launched our limited series Dreem First program to introduce our first product, Dreem, to a select 500 customers. Dreem is the first active sleep wearable. It monitors brain activity (EEG), and detects your respective sleep stages. Based on years of neuroscience research, it then transmits precise sound that is synchronized with your brain to improve the quality of deep sleep.
