Season : Challenge Data 2015-2016

From 21/10/2015 to 01/07/2016

Challenge : Classify bird songs
By SABIOD [ Scaled Acoustic Biodiversity ] & GDR MADICS CNRS


Classify bird songs

Can you guess which bird is singing ? Identify 50 bird species from all over South America by analyzing their songs, as recorded in the wild.



SABIOD [ Scaled Acoustic Biodiversity ] & GDR MADICS CNRS
SABIOD [ Scaled Acoustic Biodiversity ] & GDR MADICS CNRS

SABIOD ( is part of the MASTODONS CNRS and the Data Science GDR (MADICS). It aims to develop interdisciplinary methods for bioacoustic big data mining. Bioacoustics is the primary mode of communication and exploration for most of the animals. It enables quick load and transfer of information, in reduced visibility and long distances. It is a key factor in natural selection, playing a significant role in signaling resource qualities to potential partners. Therefore, SABIOD project aims to detect, cluster, classify and index bioacoustic big data in various ecosystems, space and time scales, in order to demonstrate anthropic impacts or new biodiversity insights. SABIOD DYNI organised the first Bird Challenge classification (NIPS4B, ICML4B in 2013). In 2014 and 2015 it co-organised with INRIA Zenith and Xeno-Canto the LifeClef Bird Challenge (1000 species), from which is extracted this tiny challenge.
